Sharing w/ you videos of our journey into parenthood & of our little pride & joy, Jake! =)

September 20, 2006 - No, no, no! 13 mos. One of Jake's 1st words is "No" & protests us taking him out of the bath every night ...=)
August 16, 2006 - Jake's 1 & cracking up! 1 year!! Jake cracking up at mommy...=)
August 15, 2006 - I love to sign! 11 3/4 mos. Jake signing along with a first words picture book...=)
August 15, 2006 - Kiss me goodnight! 11 3/4 mos. My favorite book to read to Jake. When we come to this page this is what he does...=)
August 14, 2006 - Cold! 11 3/4 mos. Jake signing cold again...=)
August 7, 2006 - Milk, Cold! 11 3/4 mos. Jake signs milk & cold!!...=)
August 7, 2006 - More Food! 11 3/4 mos. Jake signs more food!!...=)
July 14, 2006 - Jake takes his first steps! 10 3/4 mos. On July 6, Jake took his first couple steps by himself. Now, he is walking across the room!!...=)
July 1, 2006 - Jake says please! 10 1/2 mos. On June 29, 2006 Jake started signing! His first real sign, "please"...YAY!!...He also started to do "eat" =)
June 27, 2006 - Jake stacking stars! 10 1/4 mos. Jake started trying today & was determined to stack them stars...=)
June 27, 2006 - Jake is turning 1 soon! 10 1/4 mos. Jake showing us how old he's gonna be...=)
June 8, 2006 - Jake likes to dance! 9 3/4 mos. Jake showing his dancing skills...=)
June 8, 2006 - Yes! 9 3/4 mos. Jake throws the ball & shows how he does "YES!"...=)
May 29, 2006 - Chew chew chew! 9 1/4 mos. Jake practices his chewing...=)
May 27, 2006 - Learning shapes and colors!! 9 1/4 mos. Jake is learning to distinguish shapes & colors...=)
May 27, 2006 - Throw kiss!! 9 1/4 mos. Jake's learning how to throw kiss...=)
May 2, 2006 - Standing on my own!! 8 1/2 mos. Jake's balance is getting pretty good...he doesn't like his face at the funny! =)
Apr. 28, 2006 - Hahahahahaaaaa!! 8 1/2 mos. Jake is beginning to copy sounds...on 4/30 he also started to copy a coughing sound...=)
Apr. 15, 2006 - Clap clap clap!! 8 mos. Proud mommy thinks Jake understands when she says 'clap, clap, clap'...=)
Apr. 15, 2006 - Crawling - Sort Of!! 8 mos. Jake's gets to where he wants by pulling himself along...=)
Apr. 10, 2006 - I can pull myself up!! 7 3/4 mos. Yesterday I looked away for about 15-20 seconds & when I looked back Jake was standing. He pulled himself up!! Uh-oh, trouble is near =)
Apr. 7, 2006 - Feed the caterpillar!! 7 1/2 mos. Jake fed the caterpillar by himself a few days ago w/ difficulty, but has gotten it down now =)
Apr. 4, 2006 - My favorite song!! 7 1/2 mos. We sing this song to Jake all the time & he loves to dance along=)
Feb. 23, 2006 - My head is still a little shaky!! 6 mos 1 week. Jake sits up much better by himself, but sometimes he falls down =)
Feb. 19, 2006 - I'm tired!! 6 mos 3 days. Jake's coordination is getting better. He does wubawubawuba himself now when he gets tired =)
Feb. 19, 2006 - I'm rollin, rollin, rollin!! 6 mos 3 days. Jake rolled onto his tummy by himself today for the 1st time =)
Feb. 5, 2006 - I love to play the piano!! 5 1/2 mos. Jake likes music. It soothes him. Wonder if it was all the classical music I played for him everyday at work. =)
Feb. 4, 2006 - I want to sit up, not lie down!! 5 1/2 mos. Jake sitting by himself, sorta kinda. He's been wanting to for awhile now. =)
Jan. 19, 2006 - My first 2 teeth!! 5 mos 3 days. After almost a month, we catch a glimpse of Jake's 2 teeth on camera =)
Jan. 18, 2006 - I protest kissy!! 5 mos 2 days. Jake let's us know we kiss him too much =)
Jan. 16, 2006 - What are these things? 5 mos. 2 days ago Jake was staring intently at his feet. Today he grabbed one of them!! On the 18th, he grabbed them both =)
Jan. 10, 2006 - My first roll by myself - front to back!! 21 weeks (almost 5 mos). After practicing a little bit everyday for several weeks, Jake rolled over by himself!! =)
Jan. 6, 2006 - My first taste of veggies - string beans!! 20 weeks. Jake tries veggies after 2 weeks of rice cereal. Will he picky about what he eats like mommy? Actually daddy's pretty picky too. Uh-oh...=P
Jan. 3, 2006 - I won't go to sleep w/out a fight!! 20 weeks. Jake still fights his sleep. Trying to put him to sleep w/out carrying/rocking with the help of a passy. =P
Dec. 27, 2005 - More rice cereal!! 19 weeks. Jake after eating rice cereal after 5 days. Chomp chomp chomp!!
Dec. 26, 2005 - My first xmas!! 18 weeks. We were on the go all of xmas day. Jake w/ all his unopened presents the day after xmas!!
Dec. 24, 2005 - Yummy!! 18 weeks. Jake started eating rice cereal 2 days ago!!
Dec. 12, 2005 - Funny!! 16 weeks. Jake loves the rattle w/ the funny face!!
Dec. 12, 2005 - Learning to roll - take 2!! 16 weeks. Jake is getting faster at rolling over.
Dec. 12, 2005 - Learning to roll - take 1!! 16 weeks. Today is the first day Jake rolled from his tummy to his back. Unfortunately I was at work & didn't get to see it live. Boo! =(
Dec. 9, 2005 - Mommy doesn't stop tickling me!! 16 weeks. More laughing! =)
Dec. 5, 2005 - Cracking Up!! 15 weeks. Happy baby!! I love when Jake cracks up! =)
Nov. 29, 2005 - I'm giggling!! 15 weeks. Jake had his first big giggle yesterday!! I scared him out of his wits when I yelled for Brian after he giggled!! =)
Nov. 29, 2005 - Practicing Hard!! 15 weeks. Practicing to hold up head & roll over. Jake don't like to be on his tummy! =)
Nov. 28, 2005 - Stinky poo!! 14 weeks. Trying to get Jake to grab the hanky, I get a grunt & unexpected surprise instead. Listen closely (2 sounds)!! =)
Nov. 28, 2005 - Grab the hanky!! 14 weeks. Slowly learning how to grab =)
Nov. 25, 2005 - ABCDEFG!! 14 weeks. Jake likes to sing ABC w/ daddy =)
Nov. 13, 2005 - What drama!! 12 weeks. Jake makes dramatic before he falls asleep. Towards the middle of this clip he realizes the camera is filming him & stops his drama & won't stop staring at it!! =)
Nov. 12, 2005 - We caught one!! 12 weeks. After several weeks of trying, we FINALLY caught a real smile on camera!! =)
Nov. 1, 2005 - Talking up!! 11 weeks. Talking to Jake about his dream =)
Oct. 26, 2005 - Bocha bocha! 10 weeks. Still learning how to give Jake a bocha =)
Oct. 24, 2005 - Funny faces while sleeping! 9 weeks. What are you dreaming of? =)
Oct. 22, 2005 - Talking to mommy! 9 weeks. Jake talks to me! =)
Oct. 20, 2005 - Sleeping away! 9 weeks. 11 lbs 13 oz!! Dad & Jake sleeping. Like father, like son!
Oct. 17, 2005 - On the play mat 2 months old (8 weeks). Jake playing on the play mat, take 2. Did a little better this time!
Oct. 13, 2005 - Play time! 8 weeks old. Jake playing w/ Dad.
Oct. 3, 2005 - Fussy! 6 weeks old. Jake in his fussy STAGE, I hope??
Sept. 9, 2005 - Drama Queen! 3 weeks old. Jake likes to make drama queen when he eats sometimes. Cute!
Sept. 9, 2005 - Eat, eat, eat! 3 weeks old. Went to the doc to get a blood test everyday for a week! Jaundice level is at 12.4 after deducing that the jaundice is being caused by the breast milk. Waiting for the level to go below 12 before taking him off the wallaby uv light and going back to breastfeeding. Almost 7 lbs!
Sept. 2, 2005 - Noses Where Jake gets his nose from =)
Sept. 2, 2005 - Brian acts like Jake 3? years old. Brian shows how Jake wakes up & stretches =)
Sept. 2, 2005 - Jaundice is back 2 weeks old. Went back to doc's. Got a blood test. Jaundice level is 17.4 so Jake needs to sleep on the wallaby (uv) light pad 24/7.
Sept. 1, 2005 - Sunbathing? 2 weeks old. Brian went back to work this week. I'm home by myself for the first time! Cute pose of Jake.
Aug. 23, 2005 - Waking up is hard to do! 1 week old. Brian tries to wake Jake up to eat & eat & eat!! =P
Aug. 22, 2005 - Jake in Sun 6 days old. Just home from the hospital after treatment for jaundice, we put Jake to sleep in indirect sunlight.
Aug. 18, 2005 - Changing clothes My first time changing Jake's clothes before going home. Having a really hard time!
Aug. 18, 2005 - Daddy Brian We're going home today. Brian contemplates =)
Aug. 17, 2005 - 1 day old 1 day old. Spending more time w/ Jake (he got circumsized today).
Aug. 16, 2005 - Mommy & baby time 5 hours old. 9:30 am Spending time w/ Jake. Exhausted. Didn't get to sleep yet. We got moved to the post partum room. It is SO small!
Aug. 8, 2005 - Shower Gifts We got everything we needed from all the baby showers! So many gifts!